$39.00 USD

Every month

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The Life Feast Monthly (a big dose of Creative Joy)

You're going to LOVE The Life Feast.

  • Amp up the JOY in your life using positive psychology AND iPhone photography
  • Infuse your life with creativity (without the guilt of doing something just for you!)
  • Guest experts and live monthly workshops with Lizzie.
  • How to get better at stress, how to f*ck perfectionism, how to feel better, how to talk back to your brain BS, gratitude, optimism and so many other positive psychology bonus workshops!
  • 12 quick iPhone photo tips and tutorials (you'll never have to ask a teenager, again!)
  • Hang out in a thriving community of women who are feasting on life (you will love us!)
  • Everything is recorded, everything is made for BUSY people. Do this on your own time or join us live.
  • You can cancel anytime with 2-clicks, no guilt, no hassles
  • You will love what your life feels like inside of The Life Feast!

*It's 47/month and you can cancel at anytime with just two clicks (yes, it's that easy, no you won't want to).

We can't wait for you to DIG IN! If you have any questions, you can email us at: [email protected]

*Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no returns available, however, you can easily cancel your monthly subscription at any time. 

What People Are Saying:

"Best. Class. Ever. Bucket List checked."

Kristen Burris

There is just so much to say about how awesome this program is! What you teach about being happier, more mindful, slowing down, savoring and the photo exercises really brings it home. Life Feast has woken me up to the world! I’m not kidding - it has been POWERFUL!!!Life Feast has woken me up to the world! I’m not kidding - it has been POWERFUL!!!

Laura Rosenberg